The Grahams, like many of the early settlers of the Valley
of Virginia, were of Scotch-Irish descent and came from counties Donegal and Londonderry,
in the northern part of Ireland. The term, Scotch-Irish, does not necessarily mean a
blending of blood between the Scotch and Irish nations, but implies the Scotch who
emigrated from Scotland and settled in Ireland. During the years beginning shortly after
the middle of seventeenth century, there was a large emigration from Scotland to Ireland,
having been brought about on account of religious persecutions the Scotch received at
home. The treatment and torture dealt out to these pious religious people, who
held tenaciously to the principles of the Presbyterian faith, by the [2]
church of England, under the false cloak of religion, would of itself fill a volume much
larger than that contemplated in these pages, and reference is merely made to show the
stern and unwavering character of a people who were driven from post to pillar, and
suffered almost unendurable hardships and degradations, rather than depart from a
principle which they believed to be the teachings of the Bible, as well as having the
approval of their conscience. Thus, more than two centuries ago our ancestral parents left
their beautiful homes in their native land, and looking for the last time on the green
sloping swords of the Grampian Hills and bid farewell forever to the graves of their
fathers and mothers, and left behind all that was near and dear to them, even as their own
lovely Scotland, and took up their march for the Emerald Isle, in the vain hope that the
persecutions and trials which had hitherto made life hideous, would cease and they would
be free to exercise their faith[,] which had so long been the desire of their conscience. [3] But alas! for human expectations. Their sojourn is but for a
while, until the broad and inviting land across the Atlantic bade them once more take up
their line of march and plant their homes in the New World, where they would be free to
worship God according to the dictates of their own conscience, unhindered by church or
state. Among the many families who thus emigrated from Scotland to Ireland and later from
Ireland to America, we might mention the following names: Forbesses, Stuarts, Hamiltons,
Montgomerys, Alexanders, Grahams, Shaws, Moores, Lewises, Pattons, Mathews, Prestons,
Baxtons, Lyles, Grigsbys, Crawfords, Comminses, Browns, Wallaces, Wilsons, Caruthers,
Campbells, McClungs, McCues, McKees, McCowns, Lockridges, Boyds, Barclays, McDonals and
Baileys, described as, knights and gentlemen of Scotland, whose prosperity holds
good to this day. They were Irish Presbyterians, who, being of Scotch extraction,
were called Scotch-Irish.
[4] These names are to-day familiar house-hold words of
the names of our own land and are but a repetition, and of the same lineal descent of
their noble ancestors, who, more than two centuries ago stood ever firm to the Magna
Charta of Scottish rights, and rallied under their brave banners, emblazoned with the
faith of their own creed, in the famous golden letters, For Christs Crown and
Covenant, they waited undaunted, the tyranny of their foes.
As we have said, their sojourn in Ireland was but temporary, as to a large proportion
of those who emigrated there. Of course, many hindered by poverty and other causes no
doubt, made that their permanent home.
The relief which they sought, they found but temporary in their new found homes in
Ireland. Under the rule of tyrant kings, their suffering and punishment was endurable only
for its contrasts with their former suffering. Tithes and taxes demanded from their
wrecked estates to support a church, not of their own choice; restrained [5] from speaking their own opinions; living in a strange land;
dwelling among enemies of their faith, all combined to make them an unhappy and restless
people. Longing for new homes, the silent whispers came across the ocean that the
Mayflower, years before had landed others, persecuted like themselves, safely on the other
side of the blue waters. This gave them hope. For thou, O, God, hast proved us, and
thou hast tried us as silver is tried; thou broughtest us into the net; thou layest
afflictions upon our loins; thou hast caused men to ride over our heads; we went through
fire and through water; but though broughtest us out into a wealth place. Gathering
together what little worldly goods they possessed, which was very meagre, and often
nothing, save their Bible. They embarked for the New World, landing upon the banks of the
Deleware, [sic] and many rested for a season in the land of Pennsylvania.
William Penn, having been formerly a subject of the King of England, and witnessed the
perse- [6] cution of his own church (though he himself was a
favorite of King James) it was but natural that these people should seek out in the New
World, those that had been persecuted for conscience sake in the old world.
Among those who sought fresh relief and new homes amid the untrodden forests of
America, few stood higher or occupied positions more exalted than the Grahams. During that
bloody, treacherous, and ever memorable struggle in England, Ireland and Scotland, in
which King James was dethroned, and William, Price of Orange, a presbyterian, became his
successor a time when no man could remain neutral, but, all must declare, either
for the time honored established church of England; the papistry of King James; or for
that faith which they believed to be taught in Holy Writ. According to the dictates of
their own conscience, the Grahams occupied prominent positions on either side.
One Richard Graham, known as Viscount Preston, held the position of Secretary of State
of [7] Scotland, under King James, about the year 1685; and
history tells us that he was one [of] the privy council, and most trusty advisers of the
king; that his plans and recommendations were often adhered to, rather than those of the
king himself. As a leader of the House of Commons, he counseled King James to reassemble
the Houses of Parliament, in order to secure a peaceful settlement of differences between
church and state. He was also made Lord Lieutenant for both the counties of Cumberland and
Westmoreland, a position very rare and remarkable for one man to occupy.
During the absence of King James from the throne, who, on account of his fear of
opposers, had fled to Salisbury, Richard Graham and four associates were appointed a
committee, known as the Council of Five, to transact the business of the Throne until such
time as might be deemed expedient for the king to return.
The positions of high honor and trust, held and occupied by this one man were many, and
to rehearse [8] them all in detail, would require more space
than it is our purpose here to consume in this brief sketch; suffice it to say that he
seems to have been a leader of his party in both civic and military affairs; a minister at
the courts of foreign countries; honored, trusted and adhered to, and we might add, obeyed
by kings; feared and esteemed by the House of Commons, and held in the highest respect by
the common people. While he was true and devoted to King James, in the sense of
patriotism, it does not appear that he was a persecutor of those who differed from the
kings religious views.
James Graham, of Claverhouse, viscount of Dundee, was also a noted character in that
eventful struggle, and while his persecution of those who differed from the religious
persuasions of King James, must ever be deplored, we take consolation in the fact that he
but carried out the dictates and decrees of his Master. That his fidelity to the king was
ever true through life, and even in the hour of death, is fully substantiated [9] in his last utterance, after having spent an eventful life in
the kings cause.
After King James had vacated the throne, and William and Mary had been triumphantly
crowned, and the armies of James abandoned and scattered, General Graham, with his
indomitable will and ever-to-be admired energy, hoping against hope, collected together
such as he could of the remaining fragmentary army of his escaped master and repaired to
the Highlands of Scotland, where he succeeded in interesting the Scottish Chiefs of those
Highland Clans, in behalf of the cause of the late king. The remoteness of these
semi-barbarians from the active scene of war, coupled with their disinclination to inform
themselves of the nature of the conflict, soon led them through the fluency of
Grahams speech to espouse his cause. Having sought and obtained the sympathy of all
the principal chiefs of the various clans, he assembled them together and a council was
held to decide the mode of warfare. The detached fragmentary of the army whom [10] Graham hitherto commanded, chagrined with former defeats,
protested against a battle with those who espoused the cause of King William. While the
leaders of the Highland Clans urged immediate assault, saying their men were ready and
eager for the fray.
General Graham was influenced by the counsel of the Highlanders, assuring them that he
would lead them to victory; that he himself would march in front of his army; to this, his
subordinate officers objected, saying, he was too valuable a leader to expose his person
in front of the battle, and urged him to remain in the rear and dictate the movements of
his army in the on-coming conflict. To this Graham replied, your people are
accustomed to seeing their leader in the van of battle, and there I shall be seen this
day, but after the decision of this day, I shall be more careful of my person and not
expose myself in action as heretofore has been my custom. After that statement, his
army was commanded to move forward, himself being in the lead. [11]
Soon the foe was met and the battle of Killikrankie was fought. Early in the engagement
Graham was shot, having raised his hand above his head and standing erect in his stirrups,
giving command, his shield or armour raised above his waistband, exposing his person, when
the ball took effect, he fell from his horse and one of his subordinate officers coming up
to him, inquired if his injuries were fatal, Graham answered by saying, How goes the
cause of the king? The attendant answered, the cause of the king is well; how
is your lordship? Graham replied, it matters not for me, so the cause of the
king is safe. These were his last words. Though dying on the field, his army won a
great victory and the battle of Killikrankie has passed into history, as one of the most
memorable events of that time. History hands down to us other names of the Grahams, who
were more or less noted in their day and time, of which we might mention, Malcolm Graham,
who is last, but by no means least, stood high in society and was [12]
bound with a golden chain by King James the II to Ellen Douglass, the girl he loved so
well; dishonoring thus thy loyal name.
Fetters and warden for the Greame (Graham)
His chain of gold the king unstrung;
The links oer Malcolms neck he flung,
Then gently drew the glittering band,
And laid the clasp on Ellens hand.
SCOTTS LADY OF THE LAKE.From the above selection it will be noticed
that the name is spelled Greame. Whether the author drew upon his poetical license for
this misnomer or whether the name was sometimes so spelled by the Scotts, we are unable to
In the early settlement of this country, when people paid but little attention to the
orthography of names the name was often spelled Grimes. There seems, however, to
have been no authority whatever for this contortion of the name.
The only excuse that might be offered for this misapplication of the name is that the
names of the early settlers were scarcely, if ever, seen in print and but seldom in
writing, but were handed [13] orally from one to another,
thus giving plenty of opportunity for misunderstandings. We can recall many names, which
in our youth were pronounced differently from what they now are. To illustrate, the name
Stevenson was called Stinson; the name Withrow was called
Watherow; Stodghill was called Stargeon and so on. We even find in
this day a few of the old-styled fathers and mothers who do not like to discontinue the
old-fashioned way of expressing these names.
The Graham name in all English history and in the history of our country, as well as in
all the legal writings pertaining to the family, from the earliest settlement in America
down to the present time, is spelled as we now have it Graham.
The people of Scotland of the same family tree were known as clans; and these clans
seem to have been bound together by very strong and endearing ties.
Such were the adhesion of these family clans that they kept themselves almost entirely
aloof [14] from other clans; marriage and intermarriage by
members of one clan to another was scarcely admissible. If a member of one clan provoked
or insulted a member of another clan, the insult was resented by the clan whose member had
been insulted; thus we find arose many of the clan feuds, with which Scottish history so
much abounds.
Each clan had its official head chief or leader, whose duty it was to dictate to his
people such a course as seemed to him most wise and discreet or that happened to please
the whims of his own fancies. In military affairs this leader or chief was expected to
occupy the most dangerous positions and to perform the most daring of the exploits in the
heat of battle. He must either win a victory, in which he performed some noble part, or
die in defeat.
The Graham clan was a very large and influential one, and, perhaps, at the time of its
greatest power, had for its official head James Graham, the Earl of Montrose, who laid
down his life for love to his king.
[15] It is claimed in Scottish history that the Graham
family dates back for a thousand years, and has been conspicuous in the annal of their
country, from hovel to the palace, in arts, in eloquence and in song. It
was a daring man by the name of Graham that first broke through the walls of Agricola
which the Roman general had built between the firths of the Clyde and Forth to keep off
the incursions of the Northern Britons, and the ruins of which, still visible, are called
to this day the ruins of Grahams Dyke.
From Scotland to Virginia
The first immigration of the Grahams to this country, of which we have any account,
occurred about the year 1720 to 1730, the exact date of which cannot now be known.
It is, however, a matter of history that one Michael Graham settled in Paxtong
Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, about the date referred to and that he was a
direct descendant of the Earl of Montrose, who was beheaded. The descendants of Michael
Graham afterwards settled in the Valley of Virginia and became noted [16]
for their scholarly attainments, as well as their religious zeal.
Of these, however, we may speak further on. It is known that at or near the same period
of the coming of Michael to this country other members of the same family, kith and kin,
also settled in this country, among whom were John Graham (the writers great
grandfather), who settled for a time, it is believed, in Pennsylvania and later moved to
the Great Calf Pasture River in Augusta county, Virginia. It is to be regretted that we
cannot give the exact date of the settlement on the Calf Pasture River, but conclude that
not earlier than the year 1740, nor later than 1745.
We find that he purchased a tract of six hundred and ninety-six acres of land in the
year 1746, from John Lewis and James Patton. It will be remembered that John Lewis was the
first settler in Augusta county, or rather in the territory which afterwards became
Augusta, having planted his home in the then remote wilderness in the [17] year 1732, at Belle Fontaine Springs near Staunton. He was the
father of General Andrew Lewis who commanded in the famous battle of Point Pleasant in
1774. John Graham (whom we will call senior) reared a family of four sons and five
daughters on the banks of the Calf Pasture and died there about the year 1771, born about
the year 1700. His oldest sons name was Lanty (Lancelot). The names of the other
three were John, James and Robert. His daughters names were Jane, Elizabeth, Anne,
Rebecca and Florence, who was the writers grandmother on his mothers side, she
having married James Graham (her cousin).
