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Where all things are Graham!

Welcome to the Graham Family Homepages ... home of all things Graham throughout the World Wide Web.  This website serves as a gathering place for the Graham  family.  This is where we post our news,  show our pictures,  do all the neat things that late Brother George did every year in August at the family reunion for so long--- on the internet.   The Colorado branch of the family lives in Aurora, Colorado.  We live in a house in the eastern part of the city.  Sami lives in Florida with her husband Jason.  Alexis, Raeven and Jason Jr are all doing well.    Tami is in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Big Red is doing gangbusters raising two kids with John.  The family is doing well. Bronson and Montana are doing great in Scouting and school. John and Tami have a great house in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.  They live right on tornado alley so we watch the weather news for them!   Allen is a Captain in the US Air Force and lives in Colorado Springs with his wife Laura.  The big news is they're expecting the arrival of Samuel IV in August.  Allen is stationed at Schriever AFB but will be moving to F.E. Warren AFB, WY soon.  Julia is living in Wichita Falls  and is going to graduate from Midwestern State University in December.  Sam is retired from the Air Force after doing 27 1/2 years and has been a civil servant for the past eight years.  He works at Buckley Air Base as the Operations Officer for the 460th Force Support Squadron. Elizabeth retired as a teacher in the Wichita Falls Independent School District in June 2006. While she's a great math teacher,  she's currently devoting her energies to being a Grandma!  

Do you know who these two are?

Allen left for college on the 14th of January.  He completed his first semester at University of North Texas with a 3.46 GPA.  Not bad ... now he's off to ROTC.   Allen graduated on May 8, 2004.  His Mom,  Dad, Step-Mom, Sisters,  Aunt and Grandparents were there.

Allen has graduated from University of North Texas!

Now that is one great looking couple for the world to see.  Samuel A. Graham Jr,  Elizabeth Sevier Folk Graham

My Dad's Favorite Saying ... especially when I say it!

Does this guy look familiar?  This is Airman Sam Graham Sr!

Tami on her 25th Birthday with Montana and Bronson.  From Left to Right:  Montana,  Bronson, Alexis, Raeven

Sami Rae the Graduate and her Dad!


Click for Wichita Falls, Texas Forecast

Allen and Julia Circa 1984 -  Click to go to their individual web page.

Click on one of the above kids to visit their home page - Allen and Julia circa 1984


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